improved the work processes of setting up machinery and manage stock for more efficient production and sales of electricity in the long run. 3. The company’s selling and administrative expenses for this
firuurvr rdorqrnfirirlfti, fllunled{rfi?ilnlmlsrdanryqrafiufitvirlu uavrir.:ileyrurt arrufi.rriruraufi') J 4' u;; ! ry{tJfl uFnNlJ?N1 run',l?fl 'tu il1uu1 gvtulyl tyi ufl u ri rlrnvr6 unvdn m ri rt:nvr6
the PEA. In addition the lowest fuel consumption. This will result in more efficient production and sales of electricity in the long run. 3. The company’s selling and administrative expense for this
type of assets, the acquired assets still include a Permit for Factory Operation which operates fabric, yarn and artificial leather dyeing that is needed to run the company and subsidiaries’ businesses
program in the subsidiary to reduce staff costs in the long run of the subsidiary offset by several cost saving measures. 5. Net gain (loss) from exchange rate Total Hot Roll (Unit : Tons) Q3 19 Q3 20
greater alignment with TCFD-aligned disclosure in Thailand The collaboration between CDP and the SEC will run throughout 2022 and is part of the SEC’s ambition to raise awareness and encourage business
a great contribution to our society and our country in the long run.?
, and bank stability in the long run. Key principles of good corporate governance of commercial banks focus on the roles and responsibilities of the board, board structure, internal control and internal
matching viable social enterprises with the financial capital needed so as to better support the development of the social enterprise sector in the long run. As part of the program, UNDP and Changefusion
and share views real-time with guest speakers and the online community. The seminar will run ก.ล.ต. จัดงานสัมมนาออนไลน์ Cyber Armor : Capital