line with UN Sustainable Development Goals.”SET President Pakorn Peetathawatchai said with SET’s key strategy, “Creating Partnership Platform to Drive Inclusive Growth” aiming to be a comprehensive
, demonstrating growth in leaps and bounds.The corporate governance assessment of Thai listed companies under the 2014 ASEAN CG Scorecard program shows that Thai companies continue to be regional leaders on CG
The afore-mentioned Capital Market Development Plan, acknowledged by the Cabinet on Tuesday, January 31, 2023, consists of the following five strategic directions for continued growth of the capital
region, should be at play. Thailand is seeing a very rapid growth in the digital asset trading accounts from approximately 100,000 accounts in 2019 to the current total of 3 million accounts only within
Recognising the crucial role sustainable economic growth plays in bringing about better living standards and inclusive economic development for all, in 2015 Thailand has adopted the United Nations
SEC Chairman Voravidh Champeeratana said that “SEC is aware of the importance and necessity in developing SMEs and startups which will promote continuous and sustainable growth for Thai economy
that could pose potential impacts on sustainable development of listed companies, for example, global developmental trends, strategies of other countries, challenges of sustainable growth, including
รับบริษัทท่ีได้รับ BOI กลุ่ม A1-A2 OR ≥ 5,000 ลบ.* Specified OR ≥ 50% หรือ > 1,000 ลบ. + Growth Rate ≥ 20 % จากปีก่อนหนา้ OR > 1,000 ลบ.* Specified OR > 50 % หรือ > 200 ลบ. + Growth Rate ≥ 20 % จากปี
กิจกรรม กิจกรรม SHARE : ก.ล.ต. ร่วมเป็นเจ้าภาพจัดงานเสวนา “Inclusive Policy means Sustainable Growth” เน้นความสำคัญของความเท่าเทียมทางเพศและการส่งเสริมพลังสตรีในตลาดทุน 16 มีนาคม 2565 นางสาวรื่นวดี สุวรรณ
that could pose potential impacts on sustainable development of listed companies, for example, global developmental trends, strategies of other countries, challenges of sustainable growth, including