aggregating, channeling, and monitoring economic resources in an efficient manner, contributing to development of the country’s potential and competitiveness. 2. Objectives The Committee has laid down six
structure through which the objectives of the company are set, and the means of attaining those objectives and monitoring performance are determined”. (จาก G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, 2015
criteria for commercial lending policies, prioritizing risk assessment through prudent screening and close monitoring of borrowers, especially those in small and micro businesses. Moreover, we adjusted
ประโยชน์ ต่อยอดจก open API และมีกรใช้ ประโยชน์จกอุตสหกรรมในวงกว้ง • เปิดเ ผ ย ข้อมู ล ต รสรหนี ้แบ บ machine readable ผ่น open API • ระบบ off-site monitoring ท่ีคอยจับ ควมเสี่ยง • จัดทำโครงสร้งพื้นฐนด้น
• infrastructure fund, infrastructure trust ที่ไม่ได้เสนอขายต่อผู้ลงทุนเปน็การทั่วไป (3) กระบวนกำรติดตำมตรวจสอบกำรติดต่อและให้บริกำร ได้แก่ (3.1) self-monitoring (เช่น call-back client, mystery shopping) ภายหลัง การ
or their assigned persons with whom the intermediary communicates and provides services; (4) a procedure for monitoring and inspecting communication and provision of services, namely: (a) monitoring
persons with whom the intermediary communicates and provides services; (4) a procedure for monitoring and inspecting communication and provision of services, namely: (a) monitoring and inspecting in
persons with whom the intermediary communicates and provides services; (4) a procedure for monitoring and inspecting communication and provision of services, namely: (a) monitoring and inspecting in
Board meetings based upon good governance principles. This includes the monitoring of actions taken according to Board resolutions and orders. Notes: * It is customary for the Minister of Finance, as the
swiftly and thoroughly help crisis- hit borrowers, especially via debt restructuring. Close monitoring has been undertaken to ensure that borrowers have sufficient capital funds and liquidity to continue