in the capital market through continuous regulatory measures and developing standardized regulations that enable effective monitoring, prevention, and risk mitigation, for example, the forthcoming
continued 5G network expansions. We ensured carrying out continuous cost optimization in all areas to soften this impact. Following the declined EBITDA, AIS reported a net profit of Bt26,011mn, decreasing
shares agreement between UBIS and RF Vision Co.,Ltd by 320 MB and decreasing of the other current asset by 4 MB and 3 MB for the non-current asset and increasing 1 MB from the tax income • Liabilities As
and increased 6 MB of account receivable and increased of the inventory stocks by 15 MB and decreased of other debtor from the nullification of shares agreement between UBIS and RF Vision Co.,Ltd by 320
บริษัทจดทะเบียน Symbol Company Filing FinancialStatement Annual Registration Statement (Form 56-1) Annual Report (Form 56-2) Ranking MVP M VISION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Filing FinancialStatement 56-1 56-2
. This is in accordance with the Capital Market Development Master Plan?s vision that the Thai capital market is the key mechanism for aggregating, channeling, and monitoring economic resources in an
ACMF Vision 2025.----END----Note-to-EditorsAbout the ACMF• The ACMF is a high-level grouping of capital market regulators from all 10 ASEAN jurisdictions, namely Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia
continuous growth in the Company’s assets, profits, and cash flows. 6. Sources of Funding Internal Working Capital 7. The Board of Directors regarding the transaction. The Board of Directors of WORLD
committee’s meeting for acknowledgement on a quarterly basis. Moreover, the Company still adheres to the principle of preventive measures on the conflict of interests on a continuous basis and for the case that
is the continuous expansion of rental business at Lumpini Township Rangsit Klong 1. The income from rental at the project has increased 80% from the same period of the previous year. 3 Table 1: Income