keeping with the overall economic activity improvement. Furthermore, exports and tourism will continue to play pivotal roles in the economy even though their growth may subside over-year due to a high 2017
annualized. 61 funds 7 significant at 5% 94 funds, Fee for return? Some evidence that funds with high expense ratio deliver higher net returns, but not on a risk-adjusted basis. Equity Mutual Funds
the quality of assessment in addition to expanding insights on corporate governance practices of companies across participating countries. The assessment using the revised Scorecard will commence in Q2
points of Boonterm kiosks with quality and expanding the efficient installation points. As a result, total prepaid value continued to grow continuously. In 4Q18, total revenue from core businesses was
high-growth economies of Laos, Myanmar, and Cambodia. Furthermore, we established a regulatory framework to support the offering of unit trusts for funds investing in ASEAN through the ASEAN Collective
domestic automotive industry while also maintaining healthy asset quality. Meanwhile, KASIKORN FACTORY & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. enjoyed continually high loan growth. In addition, Muang Thai Life Assurance PCL
at CalSTRS, and it identifies at a high level that we will “engage corporate management to seek information and understanding of the corporate decision and its ramifications on ESG issues.” Our
2,827.20 million baht, a decrease of 376.90 million baht compared to the same period of year 2018, which has sales revenue of 3,204.10 million baht or 11.76 % decrease due to the economic slowdown and high
unrated Credit rating International Credit Rating AA, A BBB BBB unrated 2. (Market Risk) 25% 3. (Exchange Rate Risk) 4. (High Issuer Concentration Risk) ≤10% 10-20 % 20-50 % 50-80
Credit rating International Credit Rating AA, A BBB BBB unrated 2. (Market Risk) 25% 3. (Exchange Rate Risk) 4. (High Issuer Concentration Risk) ≤10% 10-20 % 20-50 % 50-80 % >80% 5