the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) or any other organised and regulated exchange in Thailand, e.g. ETF) Representative 20) Name of proposed representative in Thailand
Ref. DBP. 153 / 2019 November 11, 2019 Subject : Clarification on Operating Results for the 3rd quarter and 9-month Period ending September 30, 2019 To : President The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Ref. No. IVL 005/11/2019 11 November 2019 The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Submission of Quarterly Review of Financial Statements and the Management Discussion and Analysis of
Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure 1. Information Memorandum on acquisition of all shares in Nam San 3A Power Sole Co., Ltd. and Nam San 3B Power Sole Co., Ltd of BCPG Public Company Limited to invest
Ref. DBP. 111 / 2020 August 10, 2020 Subject : Clarification on Operating Results for the 2nd quarter and 6-month period ending June 30, 2020 To : President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Diamond
Ref. No. IVL 003/08/2020 13 August 2020 The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Submission of Quarterly Review of Financial Statements and the Management Discussion and Analysis of
The Difference 8.630 8.802 Land and Houses Securities Public Company Limited Overview of the Stock Exchange of Thailand During the first quarter of 2021, SET index showed solid recovery signs from year
Ref. No. IVL 002/05/2020 12 May 2020 The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Submission of Quarterly Review of Financial Statements and the Management Discussion and Analysis of
to attend the REIT unitholders’ meeting and information disclosed through the Stock Exchange of Thailand), specify the difference between actual operating result and the forecasted result; in the case
of securities brokerage, shall apply only to the securities brokerage outside the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Clause 3/1. For the purpose of supervision the undertaking of securities brokerage of