_________________________________________________________________________ • การป้องกนัภัยคุกคามต่อระบบสารสนเทศ (Threat Prevention) 21. บริษทัท่ำนจดัใหมี้มำตรกำรป้องกนัภยัคุกคำมโปรแกรมท่ีไม่ประสงคดี์ (malicious and mobile code) อยำ่งไร หำ้มกำรติดตั้ง software อ่ืน ๆ ท่ี
additional particulars: (1) The trading code of the investment units on the Stock Exchange of Thailand; (2) The top ten securities invested by the mutual fund; (3) The amount of investment units traded on the
มำใช้แรบบิทไลน์เพย์เพ่ือจับจ่ำยใช้สอยแทนเงินสด Rabbit LinePay ยังคงสำนต่อแนวคิดสังคมไร้เงินสดอย่ำงต่อเนื่อง โดยเมื่อเดือนธันวำคม 2561 ที่ผ่ำนมำ ได้เปิดตัวระบบกำรช ำระเงินผ่ำน QR Code ส ำหรับผู้โดยสำ
(before deducting discounts and commissions) from scheduled flights, net interline revenues from flights operated by other airlines and marketed by it on a code-share basis, revenues derived from non
International member shop in various country. 3.6 Mobile Payment Service is a service for stores that would like to service for bill payment by using QR Code via e-Wallet in nationwide. 4. Other Services 4.1 Cash
code of conduct with the economic, social and environmental responsibility. BGRIM has recognized and giving importance to anti-corruption by cultivating and advocacy for directors and employees at all
International member shop in various country. 3.6 Mobile Payment Service is a service for stores that would like to service for bill payment by using QR Code via e-Wallet in nationwide. 4. Other Services 4.1 Cash
(before deducting discounts and commissions) from scheduled flights, net interline revenues from flights operated by other airlines and marketed by it on a code-share basis, revenues derived from non
(before deducting discounts and commissions) from scheduled flights, net interline revenues from flights operated by other airlines and marketed by it on a code-share basis, revenues derived from non
like to service for bill payment by using QR Code via e-Wallet in nationwide. 3.7 Deposit, Withdrawal and Loan Payment through 7 – Eleven at all branches is a service under the concept “LH Bank with the