% 126.54 46.2% 16.62 15.1% SG&A 35.95 14.1% 48.13 17.6% 12.18 33.9% EBIT 73.97 29.1% 78.41 28.6% 4.44 6.0% Share of Gain in Associates - - 0.15 0.1% 0.15 Interest Expenses 0.29 0.1% 0.25 0.1% (0.04) (13.8
the previous year, mostly from gain on exchange rate. 4. Finance cost decreased Baht 6.53 million or 42.17% from the corresponding period of the previous year due to decrease in liabilities. 5
% 126.54 46.2% 16.62 15.1% SG&A 35.95 14.1% 48.13 17.6% 12.18 33.9% EBIT 73.97 29.1% 78.41 28.6% 4.44 6.0% Share of Gain in Associates - - 0.15 0.1% 0.15 Interest Expenses 0.29 0.1% 0.25 0.1% (0.04) (13.8
: Thousand Baht) Consolidate F/S Q3/2019 Q3/2018 Δ% Q2/2019 Δ% Q1/2019 Δ% Revenues from sales and services 508,737 534,355 -5% 484,581 5% 489,694 4% Interest income 1,881 100 1,781% 2,381 -21% 2,184 -14% Gain
163.17 42.9% 202.75 46.0% 39.58 24.3% SG&A 58.51 15.4% 83.78 19.0% 25.27 43.2% EBIT 104.66 27.5% 118.97 27.0% 14.31 13.7% Share of Gain in Associates - - 0.51 0.1% 0.51 - Interest Expenses 0.48 0.1% 0.35
Company had a gain from a bargain purchase on investments in subsidiary of THB 0.48 million and received a gain on disposals investment in associated company of THB 0.50 million. Services expenses In 2022
E_1 Legal_FA_2015_12_29-c A FFeeCCoorrppLL44..11hhiigg A Executive Summary Management Discussion and Analysis For the Quarter Ended September 30, 2017 The Thai economy maintained steady growth in the third quarter of 2017, buoyed largely by tourism and exports. Nonetheless, the economic recovery was not broad-based, as evidenced by sluggish private consumption. While certain businesses were still fragile, others remained mired in uncertainty in terms of new modes of competition, a broader market...
(or intra business segment) transactions (2) Core EBITDA is Consolidated EBITDA less In- ventory gain/(loss) whereas Core EPS is Reported EPS less Inventory gain/(loss) and onetime extraordinary items
(or intra business segment) transactions (2) Core EBITDA is Consolidated EBITDA less In- ventory gain/(loss) whereas Core EPS is Reported EPS less Inventory gain/(loss) and onetime extraordinary items
February 17, 2014. The financial statements did not comply with the Accounting Standard. That is, the company realized the gain from selling the capital investment in its subsidiary and booked in the