hampered by low economic growth among Thailand’s key trading partners, particularly China and Japan. The tourism industry was slow to recover as well. Although global and domestic economic conditions were
shall undertake all actions necessary to vest the new trustee with the right over the trust property and to allow the new trustee to learn of the previous and onward management as well as deliver
handling; In this regard, the high-level management should arrange for a procedure in notifying and acknowledging the related personnel of the policies and the practices as well as a procedure for continuous
personnel of the policies and the practices as well as a procedure for continuous and regular monitoring and amending of the policy. 3. The management should determine the guideline for conducting compliance
Supervisory Board, Tor. Chor. 21/2008 Re: Rules on Connected Transactions dated August 31, 2008 and its amendments, as well as the Notification of the Board of Governors of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Re
, which helped support investors’ confidence. This is despite the fact that this factor, coupled with the stable policy rate, resulted in increased volatility in money and capital markets as well as foreign
vulnerable, however, many central banks may adopt a cautious stance in their monetary policies, primarily taking into account the right timing to mitigate possible foreign exchange volatilities as well as
บริษทัฯ จะสำมำรถด ำเนินธุรกิจไดอ้ยำ่งมัน่คงและมีศกัยภำพต่อไป 5.2 ผลกระทบจาก COVID-19 5.2.1 ผลเรียกเกบ็เงนิสด (Cash Collection) แมว้ำ่สถำนกำรณ์กำรแพร่ระบำดของไวรัส COVID-19 จะเร่ิมส่งผลกระทบต่อประเทศไทยตั้ง
งมัน่คงและมีศกัยภำพต่อไป 5.2 ผลกระทบจาก COVID-19 5.2.1 ผลเรียกเกบ็เงนิสด (Cash Collection) แมว้ำ่สถำนกำรณ์กำรแพร่ระบำดของไวรัส COVID-19 จะเร่ิมส่งผลกระทบต่อประเทศไทยตั้งแต่ตน้เดือนมีนำคม 2563 แต่ ในไตรมำส
legitimate fund-raising instruments and protecting investors from fraud and embezzlement, as well as preventing the exploitation of digital assets to facilitate illegal transactions. The two laws, coming into