-leasing and credit card loans, but declined in housing loans in line with the sluggish real-estate market. Financial institutions expect that demand for business and household credit will increase
รองรับ ค่าใชจ่้ายขั้นต ่าในการประกอบธุรกิจ รวมถึง รองรับความเสียหายท่ีอาจเกิดจาก operational risk ไดใ้นระดบัหน่ึง กรณี Pure PF : มูลค่าของส่วนของผูถื้อหุน้ ≥ 10 ลบ. (Early warning : 15 ลบ.) ขนาดเงินกองทุน
the EBT of UE, which was funded by a capital increase via issuance of preferred shares in the first quarter Net debt to equity ratio as of 30 September 2018 stood at 0.53x, an improvement from 0.93x
global economy 2.) tourism sector growth with an exceptional 12% YoY increase in tourist arrivals for the first six months of the year, especially Chinese, Russian and Indian tourists 3.) recovering
performance of the Group Unit: Million Baht 3Q17 3Q16 Increase (decrease) Variance (%) Total revenues 1,850 1,362 488 36% Net profit 54 95 (41) (43%) The Group has total revenues of Baht 1,850 million for 3Q17
low margins since it is selling only hardware yet competitive. As a result, the changes in net profit increased at lower rate than the increase in revenue. Besides, the increase in revenue partly came
low margins since it is selling only hardware yet competitive. As a result, the changes in net profit increased at lower rate than the increase in revenue. Besides, the increase in revenue partly came
attributable to equity holders of the Company in the amount of Baht 3,123 Million representing an increase from the previous year by Baht 517 Million or 19.8 percent. The Company had total revenue of Baht 15,393
follows. Financial performance Statement of income Consolidated Financial Statements for Quarter 3 of 2020 Quarter 3 of 2019 Change (Unaudited but reviewed) (Unaudited but reviewed) Increase (Decrease) THB
billion) of income, an 11.7 percent increase from 2016. The main driver of tourism income was spending by Chinese tourists. Meanwhile, global financial markets experienced occasional volatility amid