under brand “Casa Lapin”. The Company will open more shop and franchise which will enhance a better return in the future. Thus, you have been informed for your acknowledgement. Sincerely Yours, - Singed
handing over to the juristic person. In addition, MK gave the priority to the after sale service as well as the project security. The Company believed that this would help to enhance the Company’s image and
Synergy strategy. And the Company plan to start an insurance business in InsurTech Business platform to enhance return to the shareholders. Thus, you have been inform for your acknowledgment Yours
Baht appreciation against other cunencies, the Company recognized lower revenue, profit and thus profit margin accordingly. The company plans to increase sales in domestic and to enhance measures of
in consider of long-term development of the Company group and to enhance the operating efficiency, as per the Notifications of the Stock Exchange of Thailand regarding Rules, Conditions and Procedures
evaluated as the early stage into the transition of the company to new sustainable business. To enhance its return to profitability, PDI will: • Carefully screen its assets and sell those that are no longer
2019 in order to enhance corporate efficiency and growth resulting in favourable operating results by achieving 12% gross profit margin in Q1-2020. UWC determined to continuously improve its strategic
SEC set the mechanism to support investor protection by revising business conduct regulations to enhance responsibilities of the intermediaries in selling products and providing services appropriately
intermediaries and business operators, the SEC set the mechanism to support investor protection by revising business conduct regulations to enhance responsibilities of the intermediaries in selling products and
Plan 2017 aims to enhance business operation and disclosure of activities relating to corporate social responsibility, environment, and good corporate governance. In addition, new industries representing