249.10 (32) Less Loss on derivatives 92.95 - n.a. Loss on change in status of investments 5.72 - n.a. Share of profit (loss) from investment in (0.14) 5.30 103 joint ventures Gain (loss) on recognition of
the vote of the shareholders having a conflict of interest. As the Company will pay for acquired assets with share of WCIH, it is considered as two transactions; the acquisition and disposition of
Costs 0.22 0.22 0.10 0.12 Share of profit (loss) of associates 0.05 0.05 (0.06) (0.07) Profit Before Income Tax Expenses 18.90 19.19 1.88 2.20 Income Tax Expense 4.17 4.22 0.68 0.80 Net Profit for the
, or 55.6%(y-o-y) and equivalent to earnings per share of Bt0.24. The net profit margin was 17.7%. 2. Report and Analysis of Financial Status According to Financial Reporting Standard No. 16 (TFRS 16
performance. Financial Ratio Consolidated financial statement 2019 Q1/2020 NET PROFIT (%) 17.28 4.91 EBIT (%) 22.47 7.35 EBITDA (%) 31.05 10.17 ROE (%) 18.60 15.45 EPS (Baht/Share) 0.20 0.15 Consolidated
. Total liabilities increased as a result of the share purchase agreement of KURON Co., Ltd. Since 3 March 2020 and deferred tax liability. Shareholders’ Equity As of 30 September 2020, shareholders’ equity
(87.66 ) (259.81 ) 172.15 66.26% (49.90%) (87.81%) Basic earnings per share-Owners of the Company (0.10 ) (0.30 ) 0.20 65.96% (0.06%) (0.10%) Attributable to Owners of the Company (88.43) (259.81) 171.38
1.0% 4.5% 27,814 27,229 2.1% Earnings per share (Baht) 4.94 4.90 4.73 1.0% 4.5% 14.57 14.26 2.1% Net interest margin 2.35% 2.36% 2.42% (0.01)% (0.07)% 2.39% 2.38% 0.01% Net fees and service income to
163.17 42.9% 202.75 46.0% 39.58 24.3% SG&A 58.51 15.4% 83.78 19.0% 25.27 43.2% EBIT 104.66 27.5% 118.97 27.0% 14.31 13.7% Share of Gain in Associates - - 0.51 0.1% 0.51 - Interest Expenses 0.48 0.1% 0.35
มูลค่า สินทรัพย์สุทธิถวัเฉลีย " >##ก %!ก (Management Fee) 1,377.26 1.06 " >##ก 6 +$ (Share Registrar Fee) 110.18 0.09 " >## ,%$$!R9 (Audit Fee) 17.35 0.01 " 3กb ก (Advisory Fee) - - " 89% 8ก %!8# +ก