(“BSH 15”), later has changed its registered name to Prime Area 12 Company Limited (“PA12”), from Sansiri for an aggregate amount of THB 1mn. As a result, the Company holds a 100% interest in BSH15 • The
team constantly monitor the situation to manage and mitigate risks, assess the impact on the business and ensure that the operations complied with additional health and safety measures announced by the
customers and employees. The Group constantly monitors the situation to manage and mitigate risks, assess the impact on the business, and ensure that the operations comply with additional health and safety
region with most production was Asia (including China, but not including the Middle East) 576.8 million tons, an increase by 4.8% from the same period of previous year; where China alone had crude steel
increase by 5.6% compared to the same period in 2016. The region with most production was Asia (including China, but not including the Middle East) 876.3 million tons, an increase by 5.6% from the same
both domestically and internationally, in order to develop products and distribution channels to meet the needs of consumers across the region as follows: 5.1) "Mega Malee Company Limited" in Thailand
. The region with most production was Asia (including China, but not including the Middle East) 1,000.1 million tons, an increase by 6.3%, The second most producing region was the European Union (EU
commercial operation date is scheduled in the third quarter of 2021. - The extension of the petroleum pipeline system to the northeastern region project (The project) is a project of Thai Pipeline Network
สาคญัทีใ่ช้ใน บนัไดความคาดหวงัทีส่่วนท้ายของเอกสาร 03 Focus Area Investment1 Tier 4 Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1 Target Setting Measure portfolio greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Set portfolio emissions reduction and/or
policy guidelines for financial institution supervision to assess and forecast potential impacts on our capital and liquidity. Management guidelines have been established to ensure work system readiness