MB, increased from Q1/2017 by 1 MB, or 0.7 percent which having more sales in Domestic market 3.5 MB or 4.2 percent. Meanwhile, sales revenue from China decreased 3.9 MB or 7.3 percent and other
service and managing office spaces to the Bank and subsidiaries of Kiatnakin Phatra Financial Group (“the Group”). Additionally, the Bank of Thailand has permitted the Bank in holding or having 100% of paid
, 2018 of the Company and its subsidiaries by having the main substance is as follows. (Unit: Thousand Baht) In overall, the Company and its subsidiaries had the net profit in Q3/2018 at 32.7 MB increased
the Company to seek approval from the Board of Directors and to report said information to the SET, without having to seek further approval from the shareholders’ meeting. (6) Approval for connected
of The Capital Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Chor. 21/2551, regarding rules on connected transactions provided as supporting normal business transaction having transaction volume of over Baht 1
transactions provided as supporting normal business transaction having transaction volume of over Baht 1 million but less than Baht 20 million, or more than 0.03% but less than 3% of net tangible assets (NTA
. Meanwhile, the cost of hospital operations to revenue ratios stood at 66.03% and 67.73%, respectively. The higher ratio on a period-on-period basis was attributable to the Company having some costs in
of accounting policy (paragraph........); ( 3.1.3 inappropriate/insufficient disclosure of information (paragraph........); and having additional paragraph explains the matter of: ( 3.2 Inability to
information (paragraph........); and having additional paragraph explains the matter of: ฆ 3.2 Inability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence and the possible effects are material, resulting from: ฆ
the Provinces? project again focuses on companies incorporated or having their core businesses in provinces not less than two years. Moreover, the 2nd project provides even wider opportunity by allowing