climate change and meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. A key component of the Initiative is the Climate Bonds Standard & Certification Scheme (“Certification Scheme”). The Certification Scheme
will change to 58.15 percent in case of registration of the Company’s paid-up capital resulting from the allocation of the newly issued ordinary shares to the existing shareholders pro rata to their
percentage will change to 58.15 percent in case of registration of the Company’s paid-up capital resulting from the allocation of the newly issued ordinary shares to the existing shareholders pro rata to their
was led by domestic palm oil inventory surplus more than 400,000 tons in 1Q2018, while, in the past, Thailand used to have an average palm oil inventory level of 200,000 - 250,000 tons. For ME domestic
year. Increase in revenue from rental services led by our fashion segment, followed by our food segment and our hardline segment respectively, primarily due to the opening of new Robinson Lifestyle
December 31, 2019 and 2018 were THB 7 million and THB 275 million, respectively, a decrease of THB 268 million or 97.5% led by the restructuring of funding sources according to liquidity management plan in
was mainly due to the rolling out of new digital media, which consists of 21 LED billboards across 19 provinces. In the same period, this business segment also benefitted from the consolidation of Multi
growth of 46.8%, or THB 84mn reaching THB 265mn in 3Q 2017/18. The increase was mainly due to the higher utilisation of 21 LED billboards. The product is increasingly popular with customers since being
2561 - MACO ได้ขยำยเครือข่ำยส่ือโฆษณำดจิิทลับลิบอร์ด (หรือท่ีรู้จกักนัในนำม CBD LED network) เพิ่มขึน้เป็น 35 จอ ครอบคลมุ 31 จงัหวดั ในช่วง เดือนมกรำคม 2561 ท่ีผ่ำนมำ หลงัจำกท่ีได้เร่ิมเปิดให้บริกำรส่ื
2561 - MACO ได้ขยำยเครือข่ำยส่ือโฆษณำดจิิทลับลิบอร์ด (หรือท่ีรู้จกักนัในนำม CBD LED network) เพิ่มขึน้เป็น 35 จอ ครอบคลมุ 31 จงัหวดั ในช่วง เดือนมกรำคม 2561 ท่ีผ่ำนมำ หลงัจำกท่ีได้เร่ิมเปิดให้บริกำรส่ื