access of inside information by unauthorized personnel [ii] internal control and [iii] risk management of undertaking trust business, including measure for controlling and monitoring operation of its
year. Clause 6 The securities clearing house shall apply effective measures and methods for monitoring and control of outstanding clearing and settlement of securities and risk incurred by each member to
change to the market condition and conduct a full validation of such model at least once a year. Clause 6 The derivatives clearing house shall apply effective measures and methods for monitoring and
ทีเ่กีย่วขอ้ง SEC Open data services E-enforcement • Corporate surveillance system - ความสมัพนัธบ์คุคล / นติบิคุคล - Fraud • AI-enforcement - พฤตกิรรมสรา้งราคา - พฤตกิรรมผดิปกติ • Off-site monitoring: - ผปก
investment strategies, product selection guidelines, investment monitoring and active engagement in addition to disclosing the fund management results to check whether they align with the set sustainability
การปฏิบัติงานสอบบัญชี (“engagement performance”) อยู่ในเกณฑ์ดีถึงดีมาก (ไม่เกินความเสี่ยงระดับ 2) และ (3) มีผลคะแนนในหัวข้อการติดตามผล (“monitoring”) อยู่ในเกณฑ์ดีถึงดีมาก (ไม่
Services, the subsidiary (AIPT) were received from the Company who was only customer to AIPT, therefore such transaction will not show in Revenue. Revenue from Ice Cube Factory to total revenue for the 3rd
Revenues from Ports and Terminal Services, the subsidiary (AIPT) were received from the Company who was only customer to AIPT, therefore such transaction will not show in Revenue. Revenue from Ice Cube
will not show in Revenue. Revenues from terminal services is THB 1 million baht from Palm oil refinery customers think proportion of revenue segment revenue includes income segment revenues in 0.69
Services, the subsidiary (AIPT) were received from the Company who was only customer to AIPT, therefore such transaction will not show in Revenue. Revenues from terminal services is THB 1 million, ratio to