TikTok account ?asiaplusgroup0_set? impersonates ?Asia Plus Securities Plc : Unlicensed securities and derivatives business (Disclosure Date : 30/12/2024)
TikTok account "goldtrading_set" impersonates "HUA SENG HENG Co., Ltd." : Unlicensed securities and derivatives business (Disclosure Date : 02/01/2025)
อย่างไรก็ตาม ในระหว่างงวดบริษทัได้มีการออกคอลเล็กชัน่ใหม่ ได้แก่ Prosperous Fortune Collection ส าหรับเทศกาลตรุษจีนในเดือนมกราคม และ Sweet Sonata Collection ส าหรับเทศกาลวาเลนไทน์ในเดือนกุมภาพนัธ์ รวมถึงได
guarantee of returns, and that unit redemption ahead of the target date set in the investment scheme is not allowed must be clearly communicated to investors.In addition, advertisement based on past
SET is a welcome addition to Thailand and Singapore cross-border development. SEC Thailand looks forward to the successive implementation and participation from market stakeholders. Meanwhile, we
Limited (BSEC) based on nonpublic information he had known by virtue of his working positions. Following a referral from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), the SEC?s further investigation has revealed
of gender equality. As a result of successful project implementation in 2022 with many parties interested to join, this year’s target groups have been expanded to cover those women in all listed
Initiatives for Thailand (the Initiatives), one of our key work plans, to set the direction and framework for driving sustainable finance across the financial sector. The Initiatives recommend 5 Key Strategic
had launched the new collections such as Prosperous Fortune Collection for Chinese New Year in January and Sweet Sonata Collection for valentine’s day during the 1st quarter 2020, which could get good
urgently solve its problems, such as loan defaults and failure to prepare an submit financial statements to the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) to avoid a possible delisting from the SET and mitigate