เกิดปัญหำภำยในส ำหรับกองทุนที่จ้ำงหลำย บลจ. บริหำร และแต่ละ บลจ. คิด ค่ำธรรมเนียมไม่เท่ำกัน - สมำชิกอำจ focus ที่ค่ำธรรมเนียมถูกมำกกว่ำผลกำรด ำเนินงำนที่ดี - ค่ำธรรมเนียมสะท้อนอยู่ในผลกำรด ำเนินงำนสุทธิ
10 วันท ำกำรจำกเดิมที่ก ำหนดไว้ ภำยใน 7 วันของเดือนมกรำคมและกรกฎำคมของทุกปีตำมข้อเสนอของตัวแทนจำกบริษัทหลักทรัพย์จัดกำร กองทุนในที่ประชุม focus group ซึ่งระยะเวลำดังกล่ำวเหมำะสมสอดคล้องตำมหลักกำรที่ได้
Injuries compared to 2019 as a renewed focus on safety including a dedicated fulltime safety officer is having an impact. Revenue was similar to a year ago as a weaker than expected sugar season was
quarter. However, during the lock down period, we had significantly focus on E-Commerce channel and it can generate good turnover, which is a new channel introduced to the market. In addition, when the
key management positions and business strategies in order to enhance efficiency and growth. Under new structure, UWC shifted the focus from less competent business such as renewable energy to Steel
changing in many key management positions and business strategies in order to enhance efficiency and growth. Under new structure, UWC shifted the focus from less competent business such as renewable energy
represented 47.61% and 41.47%, respectively. Gross profits improved from higher proportion of house brand product sales compared to previous period. The Company has focus in maintaining gross profit margin
business unit which were shown above, didn’t eliminate related transaction. The products of cosmetic has an internal restructuring to focus on skin care products due to the customer base that will grow in
Services Tax (GST) abolition in 2018. However, the subsidiaries have continuously improved operational efficiency through improvements in gross margin rates, as well as continuing to focus on cost efficiency
improved from higher proportion of house brand product sales compared to previous period. The Company has focus in maintaining gross profit margin, emphasizing FN brand awareness and increasing FN brand