Content Rules and Regulations List of licensed / approval digital asset business operator SEC News relating to digital asset Investor Alert Rules and Regulations https
Rules and Regulations List of licensed / approval digital asset business operator SEC News relating to digital asset Investor Alert Rules and Regulations
; - a bar from serving as a director or executive in a digital asset business operator between 22/11/2022 and 21/11/2023 - a reimbursement of investigative expenses in
bar from serving as a director or executive in a digital asset business operator between 22/11/2022 and 21/11/2023 - a reimbursement of investigative expenses in an
offeror between 25/08/2022 and 24/08/2023 - a bar from serving as a director or executive in a digital asset business operator between 25/08/2022 and 24/08/2023 
; - a bar from serving as a director or executive in a digital asset business operator between 14/09/2022 and 13/09/2023 - a reimbursement of investigative
digital token offeror between 22/11/2023 and 21/07/2024 - a bar from serving as a director or executive in a digital asset business operator between 22/11/2023 and 21/07
token offeror between 22/11/2023 and 21/07/2024 - a bar from serving as a director or executive in a digital asset business operator between 22/11/2023 and 21/07/2024
ละเอียดโครงการ และหนงัสือช้ีชวนส่วนสรุป เหตุผล เกณฑใ์นประกาศท่ี สธ. ../2555 ก าหนดให ้-- - CIS Operator และตวัแทนขายตอ้งยืน่เอกสารตั้งโครงการ/บริษทั รวมถึงเอกสารท่ี ใชใ้นการเสนอขาย CIS ตามกฎหมายของประเทศท่ี
) Evidence that foreign ETF and foreign ETF operator are subject to supervision of foreign regulator who is a member of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO); (5) Certification that