utilities (e.g., electricity, telecommunications, ventilation and air conditioning); 2. The intermediary should have measures relating to cabling security for protections of power and telecommunications line
USD 14,070,000, or equivalent to THB 310,583,000 (the “2nd Loan Portion”), where the Company shall be entitled to utilize the 2nd Loan Portion as capital expenditure, for business operation, as working
portion of the loan is in the amount of USD 14,070,000, or equivalent to THB 310,583,000 (the “2nd Loan Portion”), where the Company shall be entitled to utilize the 2nd Loan Portion as capital expenditure
utilize the 2nd Loan Portion as capital expenditure, for business operation, as working capital, and for other debt repayments arising from the Company’s business operation. 3. The third portion of the loan
the private placement investor is appropriate. 4.2 Reasonableness of the capital increase, expenditure plans for the funds received through the offering of shares, the projects to be operated (if any
ภำระดำ้นกำรลงทนุในสนิทรัพย ์(Capital Expenditure) ปิดการใหบ้รกิารท ัง้ 2 โรงแรม ตัง้แต่วันที่ 1 เมษำยน 2563 จำกสถำนกำรณ์กำรแพร่ ระบำดของ COVID-19 ที่แพร่ระบำดทัง้ในประเทศไทยและต่ำงประเทศนัน้ ท ำใหจ้ ำ
has also been placed on analysis of data on both income and expenditure of trade partners with the aim of expanding the customer 10 base within value chains, especially businesses with brighter growth
Activity Report 61En INDEPENDENT AUDIT INSPECTION ACTIVITIES REPORT 2018 INDEPENDENT AUDIT INSPECTION ACTIVITIES REPORT 2018 Executive Summary....................................................................................02 Quality Assurance Review Panel........................................03 Activities for Enhancing Financial Reporting Quality.................................................................................................07 Summary of Audit Inspection Results A. Firm-Le...
. which is real estate development business and AIR Pte. Ltd. which having income from holding shares in other companies (Holding Company). FKRMM will sell the above 2 subsidiaries before NDR will acquire
price than its competitors. Subsidiary of FKRMM At present, FKRMM consists of 4 subsidiaries which are FKR Realty Sdn. Bhd. which is real estate development business and AIR Pte. Ltd. which having income