securities. SEC has taken measures to enhance the efficiency of the bond market ecosystem and so far has made progresses in certain areas.” To ensure that the policies, directions, goals and key guidelines
digital asset ecosystem. Furthermore, standard training courses will be promoted to ensure that personnel in the digital asset industry will have sufficient knowledge and competency for providing services
extension of the fee exemption period is part of the SEC’s action plan under the SEC Strategic Framework, which aims to build a sustainable capital market ecosystem and promote responsible investment among
reflects professional operation with good governance and good responsibility to society, community, environment as the company takes care of all related parties equally with international standard
gradually pull back on their quantitative easing programs. Interest rates will rise, affecting Thailand’s financial environment although at the same time the Thai economy is still likely to expand
. I 23 Environment Management Accounting (EMA) Having the environmental concerns and social responsibilities, the Company has prepared the environmental management accounting report since 2005, aiming
Management Discussion & Analysis of Business Operation Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited For the 2nd quarter ended June 30th, 2018 Management Discussion and Analysis of Business Operation for 2Q/2018 Bangchak Corporation Plc. I 2 Table of Content Management Discussion & Analysis of Business Operation 03 Executive Summary 06 Statement of Income 08 Business Performance 08 Refinery & Trading Business Group 12 Marketing Business Group 14 Power Plant Business Group 16 Bio-Based Products Bus...
Management Discussion & Analysis of Business Operation Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited For the 3rd quarter ended September 30th, 2018 Management Discussion and Analysis of Business Operation for 3Q/2018 Bangchak Corporation Plc. I 2 Table of Content Management Discussion & Analysis of Business Operation 03 Executive Summary 05 Statement of Income 07 Business Performance 07 Refinery & Trading Business Group 12 Marketing Business Group 13 Power Plant Business Group 16 Bio-Based Product...
procurement. (In case of financial institutions, specify sources of capital and loans). (b) If the manufacturing process or treatment of raw material wastes affects the environment, clarify the Company's
Bangchak Initiative Innovation Center: BIIC โดยมี วตัถุประสงค์ในการสร้าง Green Ecosystem เพื่อผลกัดนันวตักรรมด้านต่างๆ โดยเน้นด้านธุรกจิพลงังานสเีขยีว (Green Energy) และธุรกจิผลติภณัฑช์วีภาพ (Bio-Based) น า