412.16% Earnings per share (Baht per share) 0.0934 (0.0299) 0.1233 412.16% Net Profit (Loss) After adjusted EBITDA 608.81 11.04% (61.96) (3.13%) 670.76 1,082.66% ท่ีตั้ง 55/2 หมู ่8 ถ. เศรษฐกิจ 1 ต.คลองมะ
(Loss) 110.64 7.60% 132.25 7.18% (21.61) (16.34%) Earnings per share (Baht per share) 0.0211 0.0253 (0.0041) (16.34%) Net Profit (Loss) After adjusted EBITDA 140.59 9.66% 161.29 8.76% (20.71) (12.84%) ท่ี
%) (6.47) (305.76%) 0.25 (8.05%) (4.11) 1,670.73% Net Profit (Loss) 76.56 5.45% 48.41 4.65% 28.15 58.15% 110.64 7.60% (34.08) (30.80%) Earnings per share (Baht per share) 0.0150 0.0090 0.0060 66.67% 0.0211
Expense 0.03 0.002% (0.75) (0.07%) (0.77) (103.62%) 4.36 0.31% 4.33 (99.38%) Net Profit (Loss) 82.41 5.44% 54.98 5.34% 27.42 49.88% 76.56 5.45% 5.85 7.64% Earnings per share (Baht per share) 0.016 0.011
0.94% 576.65 8.97% (503.65) -87.34% Finance cost and tax income 1.61 0.02% (4.54) -0.07% 6.15 135.46% Net profit (22.13) -0.29% 423.62 6.59% (445.75) -105.22% Basic earnings per share (Baht per share
หลักเกณฑ์ > ข้อกำหนดในการทำคำเสนอซื้อ กฎเกณฑ์ SHARE : Detail Content การควบรวมกิจการ ข้อกำหนดในการทำคำเสนอซื้อ 1) ข้อมูลในคำเสนอซื้อ เนื่องจากข้อมูลในการทำคำเสนอซื้อหลักทรัพย์
combination (BGYSP) amount of Baht 276 million in Q3’2018 which would be amortised by Baht 12 million per annum along the PPA life. Share of Profit (Loss) of Associates and Joint Ventures • Share of profit from
the PPA life and increased 88.9% y-on-y in Q4’2019 to Baht 136 million due to increase of interest income. Share of Profit (Loss) of Associates and Joint Ventures • Share of profit from associates
. Top 10 Major Shareholders(@24 Mar 2022) Share % 1. บริษัท BTS GROUP HOLDINGS PLC. 2,033,425,452 36.22 2. บริษัท Thai NVDR Company Limited 404,917,544 7.21 3. SOUTH EAST ASIA UK (TYPE C) NOMINEES LIMITED
, primarily attributable to an interest income. Share of Profit (Loss) of Associates and Joint Ventures • Share of profit from associates decreased 62.3% y-on-y in Q2’2019 to Baht 20 million and 51.0% y-on-y in