process and try to obtain new funding for its own production. This is to maintain market share and to meet demand for HRC local customers. However, the domestic steel industry has been affected by a trade
will be a new item namely “Contract assets”, representing the difference between the revenue recognized and the upfront cash received from customers as well as capitalized device subsidies. Market and
2018 Amount % Total Revenues 10,259 8,770 175 446 10,434 9,216 1,218 13% Total Expenses (9,505) (8,664) (173) (378) (9,678) (9,042) 636 7% Share of Profit (Loss) 2,155 1,775 4 27 2,159 1,802 357 20
equity amounted to THB 14,143 million increased by THB 925 million or 7% higher from year ended 2018 mainly due to: 1. From registered increased share capital and received cash (net of discounted on
Analysis | 2 Executive Summary In 2Q2018, Domestic palm oil production has increased as well as in other countries, consequence to lower Crude Palm Oil (CPO) prices and Crude Palm Kernel Oil (CPKO) prices
% -0.9% Net Profit 185 55 236% 67 176% 317 270 17% Extra item (2) - - n.a. -1,920 -100% -1,920 - n.a. Net Profit 185 55 236% -1,853 -110% -1,603 270 -694% EPS (Baht/share) 0.18 0.05 260% -1.81 -110% -1.57
เช่น ธพ. 5 แห่งใหญ่ในธุรกิจ LBDU หน่วยลงทุนมี market share ในสดัส่วนทีสูงมาก หาก ธพ. 5 แห่งประสงคจ์ดัตงัองคก์ร SRO กจ็ะตอ้ง รวบรวม ธพ. ทีเหลือใหไ้ดเ้กินกวา่ร้อยละ 50 ซึงอาจเป็นการสร้างภาระมากเกินไป
1.88 -33.9% Share of profit from investment in associate 1.95 2.14 -0.19 -8.9% Income tax expenses -23.50 -49.39 25.89 -52.4% Net profit 134.30 200.70 -66.40 -33.1% Minority interest in subsidiary -47.35
legitimate fund-raising instruments and protecting investors from fraud and embezzlement, as well as preventing the exploitation of digital assets to facilitate illegal transactions. The two laws, coming into
. “underlying share” means a newly issued share provided for the exercising of rights under a convertible bond. “exercising of conversion right” means the conversion of convertible bond into shares, whether by