AWN (a wholly owned subsidiary of AIS) agreed to rent towers from TOT who will rent the space and use maintenance services from AWN for 10 years, effective from 1-Jan-19. The agreement effectively
Disposition of Assets Transaction will occur within the third quarter of 2020 1.2 The Relevant Parties: 1.2.1 The Disposition of Assets Transaction Seller : PD (99.99% owned subsidiary of the company) Purchaser
Company Limited (TPN) (EGCO holds a 44.60% ownership interest). The project connects the Thai Petroleum Pipeline Co., Ltd (Thappline) Terminal in Saraburi to TPN's owned terminal with storage capacity of
ทุนของสำนักงาน ก.ล.ต. ในเชิงรุกผ่าน Showcase โดยเน้นช่องทางการสื่อสารทั้ง Paid Media, Owned Media และ Earned Media สำนักงาน ก.ล.ต. สามารถคัดเลือกและนำเสนอ Funding Showcase ที่ประสบความสำเร็จผ่านการระดม
นที่ที่มีคุ้มหลากหลายทางชีวภาพสูงซึ่งอยู่นอกพื นที่ที่ ได้รับการ คุ้มครอง (Disclosure 304-1: Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity
Meang, Phang-Nga which these land owned by GS total 25 plots with total 340 rai 51 square wah. Currently, the land is mortgaged as collateral with Kasikorn Bank Public Company Limited. At this stage, the
, 2015 (28 years remaining) Raw water is sourced from land developing to be reservoir at Amphoe Tai Meang, Phang-Nga which these land owned by GS total 25 plots with total 340 rai 51 square wah. Currently
and Corporate Governance 7 3.2 Business Directions of KASIKORNBANK and the Wholly-owned Subsidiaries of KASIKORNBANK 8 3.3 Customer Segments and Services 8 3.4 Service Channels 12 3.5 Awards and
from land developing to be reservoir at Amphoe Tai Meang, Phang-Nga which these land owned by GS total 25 plots with total 340 rai 51 square wah. Currently, the land is mortgaged as collateral with
3.1 Sustainable Development and Corporate Governance 9 3.2 Business Directions of KASIKORNBANK and the Wholly-owned Subsidiaries of KASIKORNBANK 10 3.3 Customer Segments and Services 11 3.4 Service