38.99 35.09 (3.90) -10.00% Income tax 31.97 37.04 5.07 15.86% Net profit 82.54 139.02 56.48 68.43% Net profit Ratio (ROS) 15.36% 19.92% Earnings per share (Baht) 0.21 0.26 0.05 22.59% Total Revenue For
ต้ั (งขอ้สงัเกตวา่ โครงการเสนอขายใบสาํคญัแสดงสทิธทิีจะซื(อหุน้สามัญของบรษัิทใหแ้ก่ กรรมการและพนักงานของบรษัิท (Employee Share Ownership Plan : ESOP) และการจัดตั (งคณะกรรมการ จัดสรร ESOP ทีเคยไดรั้บการอ
25.10% to 49.99% of all registered and paid-up shares of SGAH. List of shareholders (SGAH) Pre-Subscription New share subscription Post-Subscription Number of shares % Holding Number of shares % Holding
., (“CPN Pattaya”), a wholly owned subsidiary of CPN, acquired shares of GLAND equivalent to 50.43% of total issued and paid-up shares, for THB 10,162 mn, or at THB 3.10 per share, from a total of 5
79.97% Total Liabilities 3,267.64 1,826.10 1,441.53 78.94% Issued and paid-up share capital 333.80 333.80 Premium on ordinary shares 587.17 587.17 Retained earnings – Appropriated 40.00 36.29 3.71 10.22
) Employee benefit obligations 3.20 1.79 1.41 78.57 Total non-current liablilities 163.96 190.89 (26.93) (14.11) Total liablilites 792.29 587.62 204.68 34.83 Equity Share Capital - Authorised 140.00 100.00
(87.66 ) (259.81 ) 172.15 66.26% (49.90%) (87.81%) Basic earnings per share-Owners of the Company (0.10 ) (0.30 ) 0.20 65.96% (0.06%) (0.10%) Attributable to Owners of the Company (88.43) (259.81) 171.38
%) (71.70%) (49.90%) Basic earnings per share-Owners of the Company (0.18 ) (0.10 ) (0.08) (76.07%) (0.08%) (0.06%) Attributable to Owners of the Company (155.70) (88.43) (67.27 ) (76.07%) Non-controlling
% (20,872) 10.63% (9,226) 44.20% Selling expenses (16,124) 4.41% (4,934) 2.51% (11,190) 226.79% Administrative expenses (78,816) 21.57% (63,952) 32.57% (14,864) 23.24% Share of profit (loss) from investment
84.20 376.72 (292.52) -347.42% 1,482.63 1,825.67 (343.03) -23.14% SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Issued and paid-up share capital 1,316.25 1,316.25 - 0.00% Premium on ordinary shares 264.33 264.33 - 0.00% Surplus