นขายน ้ ามนับริโภคลดลงจากปี 2560 ร้อยละ 9.01 คิดเป็นลดลงร้อยละ 9.26 บริษทัฯมีความสามารถใน การท าก าไรเพ่ิมข้ึน เน่ืองจากสัง่ซ้ือวตัถุดิบตามปริมาณและราคาตน้ทุนท่ีเสนอขาย (Made to Order) ซ่ึงเกิดจากการป้อ
together in order to achieve combined results in the three business objectives which the Group places focus upon 1) Credit Business 2) Private Banking and 3) Investment Banking. For Credit Business which
ราคาตน้ทุนท่ีเสนอขาย (Made to Order) ซ่ึงเป็นการป้องกนัความเส่ียงจากความผนัผวนของราคาน ้ ามนัปาลม์ดิบ 1.3 ผลพลอยได ้ ในไตรมาส 1 ปี 2562 มีอตัราตน้ทุนขายผลพลอยไดเ้พ่ิมข้ึนจากไตรมาส 1 ปี 2561 ร้อยละ
together in order to achieve combined results in the three business objectives which the Group places focus upon 1) Credit Business 2) Private Banking and 3) Investment Banking. For Credit Business which
appropriate capital management, having prepared operating cash flows statements every day to acknowledge the daily cash-in and cash-out, in order to learn about liquidity, debt service coverage and sources of
made to disclose information and the vision of the management in order to assist investors to better understand the company's financial status and operation. It also supports the "Good Corporate
market business work closely together in order to achieve combined results in the three business objectives which the Group places focus upon 1) Credit Business 2) Private Banking and 3) Investment Banking
through its subsidiaries and may partially resell and/or enter into a joint venture with any other investors in order to develop the Project Crossroads Phase 2. With the expertise in real estate development
business work closely together in order to achieve combined results in the three business objectives which the Group places focus upon 1) Credit Business 2) Private Banking and 3) Investment Banking. For
capital market business operated by its subsidiaries which are comprised of PHATRA, PTSEC and PASSET. Both the commercial banking business and the capital market business work closely together in order to