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108,803,656 133,755,071 (24,951,415) (18.66) Net Profit (Loss) (72,320,514) (72,280,526) (39,988) (0.06) Earnings per share (Baht per share) (0.015) (0.016) 0.001 6.25 Net Profit (Loss) The Company and
share and hence retain or expand our scale in respective businesses. For mobile business, 4G adoption and demand is expected to continue rising following improved customer perception of our 4G network
) (11.18) Net Profit (Loss) (43.62) (6.22) 37.40 601.29 Earnings per share (Baht per share) (0.008) (0.001) 0.007 700.00 Net Profit (Loss) The Company and subsidiaries (Consolidated) realized net loss of
% 8.2% 11.0% -2.8% Net Profit ex. Extra item 67 71 -6% 64 5% 131 216 -39% Extra item net of tax(2) -1,920 -1,920 Net Profit -1,853 71 -2710% 64 -2995% -1,789 216 -928% EPS (THB/share) -1.81 0.08 -2363
23.20 (0.54) (2.31) Net Income (Loss) of the Company (2.20) (50.71) 48.51 95.65 Earnings (loss) per share (Baht per share) (0.0005) (0.0112) 0.0107 95.54 Net profit (Loss) The Company and subsidiaries
% -0.9% Net Profit 185 55 236% 67 176% 317 270 17% Extra item (2) - - n.a. -1,920 -100% -1,920 - n.a. Net Profit 185 55 236% -1,853 -110% -1,603 270 -694% EPS (Baht/share) 0.18 0.05 260% -1.81 -110% -1.57
Financial cost 20.31 33.61 (13.30) (39.57) Net Income (Loss) of the Company (22.91) 100.37 (123.27) (122.82) Earnings (loss) per share (Baht per share) (0.004) 0.022 (0.026) (119.90) Net profit (Loss) The
เช่น ธพ. 5 แห่งใหญ่ในธุรกิจ LBDU หน่วยลงทุนมี market share ในสดัส่วนทีสูงมาก หาก ธพ. 5 แห่งประสงคจ์ดัตงัองคก์ร SRO กจ็ะตอ้ง รวบรวม ธพ. ทีเหลือใหไ้ดเ้กินกวา่ร้อยละ 50 ซึงอาจเป็นการสร้างภาระมากเกินไป
1.88 -33.9% Share of profit from investment in associate 1.95 2.14 -0.19 -8.9% Income tax expenses -23.50 -49.39 25.89 -52.4% Net profit 134.30 200.70 -66.40 -33.1% Minority interest in subsidiary -47.35