Baht 504 million. In the Financial Market business, the Bank generated revenue of Baht 273 million. For Capital market business, the market shares (SET and mai excluding proprietary trading) of Phatra
ASIA’S BOUTIQUE AIRLINE Shareholders’ Equity Unit: million baht As at December 31, 2017 As at December 31, 2016 Variance Paid up capital 2,100.0 2,100.0 - Premium on ordinary shares and capital reserve for
6,450.00 4,045,769.21 Invesco MSCI USA ESG Universal Screened UCITS ETF 20.14 13,610.00 31,872,877.92 Invesco Preferred Shares UCITS ETF 1.66 3,970.00 2,628,976.41 Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond 2.30
ทน A-shares ไดขไมนเกพน 40% ของมมลคนา ทรวพยยสพนของกองททน กลยททธรในกสรบรปหสรจรดกสรลงททน เนขนลงททนในหนนวยลงททนของกองททนรวมตนางประเทศเพทยงกองททนเดทยว โดยมทนงหววงใหขผลประกอบการเคลซทอนไหวตาม กองททนหลวก และ
Earnings (Deficit) -5,129.66 -6,121.34 -5,598.50 -5,672.60 1,314.67 Treasury Stock - - - - - Shares Of The Company Held By Subsidiaries - - - - - Other Components Of Equity 92.19 -217.32 701.38 -358.03
27, 2017, CTBC Bank Company Limited has entered into the shareholder of the company amount of 7,544,961,342 shares or 35.6169% of the paid-up capital. As a result the shareholders structure as follows
, 2017, CTBC Bank Company Limited has entered into the shareholder of the company amount of 7,544,961,342 shares or 35.6169% of the paid-up capital. As a result the shareholders structure as follows
On July 27, 2017, CTBC Bank Company Limited has entered into the shareholder of the company amount of 7,544,961,342 shares or 35.6169% of the paid-up capital. As a result the shareholders structure as
27, 2017, CTBC Bank Company Limited has entered into the shareholder of the company amount of 7,544,961,342 shares or 35.6169% of the paid-up capital. As a result the shareholders structure as follows
Limited On July 27, 2017, CTBC Bank Company Limited (“CTBC Bank”) became the shareholder of the company holding a total amount of 7,544,961,342 shares or 35.6169% of the paid-up capital. As a result, the