412.16% Earnings per share (Baht per share) 0.0934 (0.0299) 0.1233 412.16% Net Profit (Loss) After adjusted EBITDA 608.81 11.04% (61.96) (3.13%) 670.76 1,082.66% ท่ีตั้ง 55/2 หมู ่8 ถ. เศรษฐกิจ 1 ต.คลองมะ
(Loss) 110.64 7.60% 132.25 7.18% (21.61) (16.34%) Earnings per share (Baht per share) 0.0211 0.0253 (0.0041) (16.34%) Net Profit (Loss) After adjusted EBITDA 140.59 9.66% 161.29 8.76% (20.71) (12.84%) ท่ี
%) (6.47) (305.76%) 0.25 (8.05%) (4.11) 1,670.73% Net Profit (Loss) 76.56 5.45% 48.41 4.65% 28.15 58.15% 110.64 7.60% (34.08) (30.80%) Earnings per share (Baht per share) 0.0150 0.0090 0.0060 66.67% 0.0211
Expense 0.03 0.002% (0.75) (0.07%) (0.77) (103.62%) 4.36 0.31% 4.33 (99.38%) Net Profit (Loss) 82.41 5.44% 54.98 5.34% 27.42 49.88% 76.56 5.45% 5.85 7.64% Earnings per share (Baht per share) 0.016 0.011
หลักเกณฑ์ > ข้อกำหนดในการทำคำเสนอซื้อ กฎเกณฑ์ SHARE : Detail Content การควบรวมกิจการ ข้อกำหนดในการทำคำเสนอซื้อ 1) ข้อมูลในคำเสนอซื้อ เนื่องจากข้อมูลในการทำคำเสนอซื้อหลักทรัพย์
shares of GLAND equivalent to 50.43% of total issued and paid-up shares, for THB 10,162 mn, or at THB 3.10 per share, from a group of major shareholders in GLAND. • Subsequently, CPN Pattaya made a tender
shares of GLAND equivalent to 50.43% of total issued and paid-up shares, for THB 10,162 mn, or at THB 3.10 per share, from a group of major shareholders in GLAND. • Subsequently, CPN Pattaya made a tender
. Top 10 Major Shareholders(@24 Mar 2022) Share % 1. บริษัท BTS GROUP HOLDINGS PLC. 2,033,425,452 36.22 2. บริษัท Thai NVDR Company Limited 404,917,544 7.21 3. SOUTH EAST ASIA UK (TYPE C) NOMINEES LIMITED
, primarily attributable to an interest income. Share of Profit (Loss) of Associates and Joint Ventures • Share of profit from associates decreased 62.3% y-on-y in Q2’2019 to Baht 20 million and 51.0% y-on-y in
2018 MD&A 5 o Avgol enhances IVL's HVA portfolio and market share in the hygiene segment and as the leading producer in Russia and India. o Kordarna (completed 30 Oct, 2018) - propels IVL to a leading