of the Company and the subsidiaries, capital increase of the subsidiaries, and the share repurchase of the Company. The appropriate of capital structure The debt to equity ratio as at 31 December 2019
decreasing in expense related to the share offering in the Stock Exchange. 9. Litigation In September 2018, the Company was sued by a disputant company for its non – compliance with the memorandum signed in
: Increase in cash and cash equivalents of THB 985.00 million, causing from - proceeds from capital increase in ordinary shares net with payments for share issue costs of THB 1,675.28 million.; - net cash
- - Total other comprehensive income (expenses) (10.16) (11.77) (13.62) 24.58 (1,050.75) Total comprehensive income 6,539.14 5,190.26 25.99 1,691.58 111.56 (10.56) Basic earnings per share (Baht/Share) 2.38
expenses 6.73 0.30% 4.88 0.27% 1.85 37.91 Share of losses from associates 0.27 0.01% 0.00 0.00% 0.27 100.00 Income tax 20.77 0.94% 26.23 1.43% -5.46 -20.82 Net profit 43.95 1.98% 113.72 6.21% -69.77 -61.35
17.13 million was mostly from the payment of the direct creditor related to the share offering. Page 4/5 Long-term Loans from Bank As at 31 December 2016, the Group had the outstanding balance of three
available-for-sale of 2.37 million baht, an increase of 0.33 million baht or 15.92% as share value increased at the end of the quarter. According to Q2/2017 performance, the company has a strong financial
56.16 million Baht and received share advance from Nippon Concrete Industries Co. ,Ltd in amount 34.78 million Baht. Shareholders’ equity หน้าที 5 จาก 5 The shareholders’ equity of the Company and its
Item Quarter Change (%) H1 Change 2/2017 1/2017 2/2016 1/2017 2/2016 2017 2016 (%) Net profit * 8,047 8,305 7,169 (3.1)% 12.2% 16,352 15,487 5.6% Earnings per share (Baht) 4.22 4.35 3.76 (3.1)% 12.2
liabilities 653.74 501.33 152.40 30.40% Shareholders’ equity Issued and paid-up 400.00 400.00 - 0.00% Premium on paid-up capital 305.53 305.53 - 0.00% Share surplus from business combination under common