, Inc. (DTPI), an indirect subsidiary of the Company in the Philippines, to proceed the selling of Dusit Hospitality Education Philippines (DHMC) shares to a major shareholder of DHMC. DHMC operates Dusit
/(loss) after NCI & PERP interest 387 (1,713) 3,449 123% (89)% Weighted average no. of shares (in Millions) 5,615 5,615 5,615 0% 0% EPS (in THB) 0.07 (0.31) 0.61 +0.37 (0.55) Core Financials EBITDA 6,066
August 2020, Asia Clean Energy Co. Ltd., a subsidiary, acquired common shares of 3 biomass power plants in the proportion of 100 percent with the consideration paid of Baht 464.6 million. From comparison
related restrictions that resulted in shop closures in certain months and aggressive price competition, we maintained our leadership position with industry’s largest subscriber and revenue market shares
shareholders to exercise their rights. Section 1 Rights of shareholders 61Section 1 Rights of shareholders Basic shareholder rights include the right to 1) buy, sell, or transfer shares 2) share in the profit of
characteristics: (1) a company related to an intermediary by shareholding structure, either directly or indirectly, more than fifty percent of the total number of shares sold; (2) a company related to an
capital market products which are shares or share warrants of a company wherein the client is an existing shareholder as of the investment date or the date of obtaining the shareholders’ rights; (4) a
invest in capital market products which are shares or share warrants of a company wherein the client is an existing shareholder as of the investment date or the date of obtaining the shareholders’ rights
invest in capital market products which are shares or share warrants of a company wherein the client is an existing shareholder as of the investment date or the date of obtaining the shareholders’ rights
ทีเ่สนอขายภายในวนัที ่31 ตุลาคม 2561 Silom Road Limited เป็น บรษิทัทีจ่ ากดัความรบัผดิโดยหุน้ (company limited by shares) ทีจ่ดัตัง้ขึน้ใน The British Virgin Islands (BVI) และมนีาย Peh Pit Tat สญัชา