liabilities, employee benefit obligation. Please be kindly advised. Yours sincerely, Abico Holdings Public Co., Ltd. ……………………………………………………………….. (Mr. Kitti Vilaivarangkul) Managing Director
year 4,379 (23,821) +118.38 Other Comprehensive Income: - Profit (loss) on mathematical projections Insurance for Employee Benefits Scheme - Income tax on profit (loss) Actuarial gain for employee
decreased Baht 5.3 million. 4. Long-term loans from financial institutions increased Baht 509.2 million. 5. Employee benefit obligations increased Baht 17.7 million. Total shareholder’s equity As of 31
payable decreased by Baht -47.0 million - Provision for long-term employee benefits decreased by Baht -1.3 million - Paid for interest of Baht -9.0 million - Paid for income tax of Baht -0.2 million - Cash
liabilities composed of deferred tax liabilities, employee benefit obligation.
of bank overdrafts, deferred tax liabilities, employee benefit obligation.
, because the Company have paid for the loan. - Other liabilities consisted of bank overdrafts, deferred tax liabilities, employee benefit obligation, current liabilities and other non-current liabilities.
lease agreements. - Long-term loan decreased Baht 36.53 million, because the Company have paid for the loan. - Other liabilities consisted of bank overdrafts, deferred tax liabilities, employee benefit
liabilities 95.0 60.0 35.0 58.3 Liabilities under financial arrangement agreements 62.9 44.0 18.9 43.0 Provision for long-term employee benefits 97.8 83.0 14.8 17.8 Total Liabilities 2,842.7 1,528.1 1,314.6
the loan and received more loan of Baht 137.69 million. - Other liabilities composed of deferred tax liabilities, employee benefit obligation.