office to confirm the share transfer with a person who was believed not to be the true owner of the trading account, and adding a new contact phone number to the client?s personal profile even though there
/PB_Detail.aspx?SECID=662. Stakeholders and interested parties are welcome to give comments and suggestions via the website or by phone at 0-2033-9516, 0-2263-6279, 0-2033-9882 or send email to chaowaporn
questions, complaints or information, please contact the SEC by phone at 0-2263-6000 or by email at
Thailand and electrical appliances, mobile phone and etc. in oversea business, with the revenues of 301 million baht, an increase of 20 million baht or 7% y-y due to hire purchase sale growth from overseas
utilities bill reduction. Also, NBTC’s measurement for free data and voice in April to May affected Company in short- term on mobile top-up and bill payment. However, the Company has prepared its cash flow by
COMPANY LIMITED 179 BANGKOK CITY TOWER 10th FLOOR, SOUTH SATHORN ROAD, THUNGMAHAMEK SATHORN, BANGKOK 10120 PHONE : +66 (0) 2625 1188 FAX : +66 (0) 2625 1103 ท ีสก 03/2562 วนัท ี22
SATHORN ROAD, THUNGMAHAMEK SATHORN, BANGKOK 10120 PHONE : +66 (0) 2625 1188 FAX : +66 (0) 2625 1103 No. CS12/2019 November 7th, 2019 Subject: Declaration of Operating Results for
- Translation - 1 K.C. Property Public Company Limited 202 Le Concorde Office Tower, 19th Floor, Room No. 1901, Huaikhwang District, Huaikhwang Sub-District, Bangkok 10310 Telephone. 0-2276-5924
: ......................... Sub-district: ................. District: ...................... Province: .................. Telephone: ................................................... Facsimile
: ......................... Sub-district: ................. District: ...................... Province: .................. Telephone: ................................................... Facsimile