approval from the SEC office under Clause 12; (b) there shall be a procedure for seeking an approval from the board of directors of the intermediary or the committee assigned by the board of directors
derivatives business operator shall submit an application for approval to the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission together with supplementary documents in accordance with the form and procedure
operator shall submit an application for approval to the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission together with supplementary documents in accordance with the form and procedure provided in the SEC’s
accordance with the form and procedure provided in the SEC’s online system; (b) in case of an appointment of a person as person with power of management, the derivatives business operator shall examine the
Board of Directors’ meeting held each quarter. Measure or procedure on approval of inter-transactions For such inter-transactions considered significant, the company followed its policy in proposing such
the project is pending for the construction license approval process of the project, which delays due to change in policy on procedure and the license approval process of the licensing agency, which is
change in policy on procedure and the license approval process of the licensing agency, which is the Department of Energy, Ministry of Energy, the Philippines. It is still in the process of reviewing
agreement have been fulfilled. Currently, the status of the project is pending for the construction license approval process of the project, which delays due to change in policy on procedure and the license
and procedure as stipulated by the Notification of the SEC Office. An application submitting under Paragraph 1 shall be jointly prepared by a financial advisor whose name appears on the SEC Office’s
procedure) เพ่ือสร้ำงควำมมัน่ใจวำ่กองทุนมีกำรจดักำรลงทุน เป็นไปตำมประเภทหลกัทรัพยแ์ละอตัรำส่วนกำรลงทุนตำมหลกัเกณฑท่ี์ก ำหนด 6 (2) รำยงำนพฤติกรรมท่ีสงสยัวำ่ผิดกฎหมำย ผิดจริยธรรม หรือควำมผดิปกติในกำรจดักำรลงทุน