independently in accordance with the market condition; (c) The index shall have been developed by a reliable institution which can act independently from the Company. If it appears that such an institution is the
® Global Transformation Select 30 NR Risk Control 10% Decrement 4% Index ไดแก 1) ดัชนีเริ่มตน เร่ิมตนดวยหุนที่เปนสวนประกอบของ STOXX Developed and Emerging Markets Total Market Index ที่ 95% ของ DM
developed by Prognose AG, which is also commissioned to calculate the impact) Access to essential Services • Loans for financing /refinancing of Health Care • Loans for financing /refinancing of Social Care
stock, importance to local communities or high biodiversity value. The HCSA distinguishes high carbon stock forests from degraded lands that may be developed. High Conservation Value: Biological
have been achieved. The capital market has developed and gone through a major turnaround in support of the country’s economic revival and sustained growth. Such advancement was reflected in the increase
shareholders who shall be entitled to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (Record Date) and to amend or change the date to gather the names of shareholders as it deemed appropriate under the
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (Record Date) and to amend or change the date to gather the names of shareholders as it deemed appropriate under the applicable laws. Please be informed accordingly
the determination of shareholders who shall be entitled to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (Record Date) and to amend or change the date to gather the names of shareholders as
, including the company's project to construct a new corporate office building in order to expand its office space which will be developed on another plot of land with a total area of 5-0-22.6 rais situated on
distributing B20 diesel to support the Ministry of Energy’s policy. The Company developed the “Hi-Diesel B20s” product that enhances the quality of B20 diesel with the Green S technology; increasing Cetane value