loss of assets and the allowance for doubtful accounts amounting of Baht 1,184.53 million, the Group incurred a net loss for the year 2018 of Baht 969.33 million, decreased loss of 54%. The Company would
loss of assets and the allowance for doubtful accounts amounting of Baht 1,184.53 million, the Group incurred a net loss for the year 2018 of Baht 969.33 million, decreased loss of 54%. The Company would
2006. The extension is to provide sufficient time for the company to correct accounting entries and for the auditor to thoroughly audit the corrected financial statements. The one-month
trading accounts regularly, as prepared by the responsible securities companies, and not to fall for promises of guaranteed returns because investment in the capital market could either yield profits or
suitability test before letting clients make an investment, as specified by the SEC regulation. ?Our mission is to protect investors as well as facilitate fundraising for business sectors and develop financial
Bangkok, August 14, 2007 ? The investing public in Thailand is getting more options for starting and expanding their offshore portfolios thanks to the relaxation of quota allocation rules, a recent
Exchange of Thailand Fancy Wood Industries Public Company Limited would like to clarify the Company's overall operation for the year ended December 31, 2017, which have been audited by the Company's auditors
Bangkok, February 10, 2009 ? The SEC is holding a public hearing on the draft amendment to the Securities and Exchange Act for demutualization of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) until February
specify mutual fund?s NAV based on fair price, none of asset management company has done so owing to the fact that no one is certain as to which price could be appropriate, revealed SEC Secretary-General
Bangkok, December 16, 2011 ? The SEC declines to extend deadline for Tongkah Harbour Plc. (THL)?s special audit report submission, which is required to submit to the SEC within December 9, 2011.The