เกณฑท์ีก่ ำหนด และ Upload แบบรับรอง filing ทีม่กีำรลงนำมแลว้เขำ้ระบบ พรอ้มกับน ำสง่ hard copy แบบรับรอง filing ทีม่กีำรลงนำมแลว้ใหส้ ำนักงำน ในกรณีทีผู่ย้ืน่แบบ filing เลอืกใช ้digital signature เมือ่กรอกขอ้
product. Meanwhile, Moving Annual Total (MAT) March 2019 of domestic RTD fruit juice market was Baht 11,639 million. RTD fruit juice market value and growth is as shown in figure 2. Figure 2: MAT March 2019
product. Meanwhile, Moving Annual Total (MAT) March 2019 of domestic RTD fruit juice market was Baht 11,639 million. RTD fruit juice market value and growth is as shown in figure 2. Figure 2: MAT March 2019
million baht due to expanding LCL work has also increased number of staff and the office has been relocated to support such expansion, resulting in cost of moving and amortization of original office
depreciation of plant and machinery that contributed to higher share of cost of goods sold. In addition, the Company executed sales promotional campaigns for slow moving inventories that accounted for lower
equipment and system and constructing a structural foundation and a lifting which will be used as the moving assess of Super VIP guests into a restaurant of Carnival Magic Project. The lift will be designed
OUTLOOK Moving forward, the Company will place a stronger focus on international markets while placing domestic media assets under the management of Plan B Media Public Company Limited (“PlanB”), which
had more fluctuated by moving from the lowest point in the first quarter of 2016 then rebounded in the second quarter, and fell again in the third quarter and then turn back increasing continuously from
the financial statement for all of its leases that have leasing term more than 12 months. หนา้ 2 2. Overview of Domestics Ready-to-Drink Fruit Juice Market In Q1/2020, Moving Annual Total (MAT) Year
company owns itself as well as franchise restaurants and (2) higher rental expense due to the head office moving to a new location where all subsidiary companies are located together for more efficient