advertising, payment and logistics platforms. We turn data into meaningful consumer insights, enabling us to offer 360-degree advertising and marketing solutions. To provide an enhanced customer experience, we
bandwidth of 2x60MHz in the industry. Consequently, we have evidently seen an improvement of network quality against peers while brand perception enhanced. That said, we have well added 1mn mobile customers
Company also aware of the current situation and has adjusted operations to maintain revenue growth along with consistently enhanced quality and capability of service under cost-effective management to
and reducing the utilities consumption. However, the Company has put significant focus on enhanced health and safety standards which have allowed our customers and employees to feel safe in our stores
Group enhanced the machinery of the new biomass power plants which the Group acquired in the third quarter of 2020. This was led to the increasing in machinery’s performance efficiency and electricity
สมกับลูกค้ำบำงรำยที่เป็น vulnerable investors โดยไม่ต้องใช้ควำมระมัดระวังเพิ่มเติมได้ หำกเห็นว่ำ ลูกค้ำรำยดังกล่ำวเป็นผู้มีควำมรู้ทำงกำรเงินหรือมีประสบกำรณ์กำรลงทุนเพียงพอ 3.7 การยกเลิก enhanced sales
Criteria 3, 4 and 5. However, there are a number of other possible infrastructure projects that could be eligible or excluded under the standard. In many cases it is fairly straightforward to assess whether
straightforward. The benefit of having an authoritative standard eases decision-making and focuses attention on credible climate change solution opportunities. The easier it is to use the faster the market will
ค้ำเพ่ือให้บริกำรเหมำะสม (Client Due Diligence) 2.4 กำรทบทวนข้อมูลลูกค้ำ/ กำรท ำควำมรู้จักลูกค้ำเชิงลึก (Ongoing/ Enhanced KYC) 3. ระบบงานที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการน าเทคโนโลยีมาใช้ในการท าความรู้จักลูกค้า 33
platform for innovation and growth 2018 Brazil PET Entering new continent as domestic PET producer with Brazil debut Enhanced opportunity to serve our customers in any part of the world Accelerates