% (15,696) 113.17% Share of profit from investment in associate 2,436 0.24% 719 0.08% 1,717 238.80% Profit (loss) before income tax income (expenses) 120,118 12.03% 98,812 11.66% 21,306 21.56% Income tax
. Total liabilities increased as a result of the share purchase agreement of KURON Co., Ltd. Since 3 March 2020 and deferred tax liability. Shareholders’ Equity As of 30 September 2020, shareholders’ equity
1.0% 4.5% 27,814 27,229 2.1% Earnings per share (Baht) 4.94 4.90 4.73 1.0% 4.5% 14.57 14.26 2.1% Net interest margin 2.35% 2.36% 2.42% (0.01)% (0.07)% 2.39% 2.38% 0.01% Net fees and service income to
163.17 42.9% 202.75 46.0% 39.58 24.3% SG&A 58.51 15.4% 83.78 19.0% 25.27 43.2% EBIT 104.66 27.5% 118.97 27.0% 14.31 13.7% Share of Gain in Associates - - 0.51 0.1% 0.51 - Interest Expenses 0.48 0.1% 0.35
มูลค่า สินทรัพย์สุทธิถวัเฉลีย " >##ก %!ก (Management Fee) 1,377.26 1.06 " >##ก 6 +$ (Share Registrar Fee) 110.18 0.09 " >## ,%$$!R9 (Audit Fee) 17.35 0.01 " 3กb ก (Advisory Fee) - - " 89% 8ก %!8# +ก
) จํานวนเงนิ (หน่วย: พนับาท) ร้อยละของมูลค่า สินทรัพย์สุทธิถวัเฉลีย " t##ก %!ก (Management Fee) 2,187.23 1.06 " t##ก 6 +$ (Share Registrar Fee) 174.98 0.08 " 2กN ก (Advisory Fee) - - " 8O% 8ก %!8# +ก
(หน่วย: พนับาท) ร้อยละของมูลค่า สินทรัพย์สุทธิถวัเฉลีย " k##ก %!ก (Management Fee) 1,158.08 1.06 " k##9ก 7 +$ (Share Registrar Fee) 92.65 0.09 " k## ,%$$!YH (Audit Fee) 17.40 0.02 " 3กd ก (Advisory Fee
% Administrative expenses (6.43) (9.68) (3.25) 50.58% (19.23) (30.12) (10.89) 56.66% Share of gain of investments in associate 0.03 0.03 0.00 9.21% 0.06 0.10 0.04 73.41% Finance costs (0.07) (0.09) (0.02) 26.99
convertible debentures and share warrants; (4) “director” means a director of an issuing company or its subsidiary; 2 (5)1 “employee” means a person who agrees to work for an issuing company or its subsidiary
registration statement to the SEC Office before such offering; and (3) a company of which securities [other than share] have been offered for sale to investors under the requirement that the offerors, whether