47.7% in 2019 due to (1) the cost of food and beverages of new brands, in particular Khiang, requiring promotional discounts to increase traffic and create brand awareness during the initial opening
77,481 5.1 Sales and service income 1,633,055 1,599,106 33,949 2.1 1,588,543 1,516,481 72,062 4.8 Cost of sales and service 1,247,598 1,209,891 37,707 3.1 1,214,419 1,175,136 39,283 3.3 Gross profit
1 Note: 1) Revenue and Cost that were recognized when there is construction under concession agreements for tap water according to accounting standard TFRIC12 1. ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE For
declined by 11.3% YoY to 26,185mn in 1Q 2017/18. The TV sector with the highest market share at 66.3% fell 13.7% YoY to THB 17,359mn and Traditional media (Newspaper, Magazines and Radio) with a 13.1% market
540 -36% EBITDA Margin (%) 9.0% 7.3% 4.7% -4.3% -2.6% 9.2% 5.9% -3.2% Net Profit 322 145 71 -78% -51% 591 216 -63% EPS (Baht/Share) (1) 0.44 0.20 0.07 -84% -65% 0.80 0.21 -74% Adjusted EBITDA(2) 323 345
....................................................................................................................................... 7 Solar energy .................................................................................................................................................... 8 Other income and fixed cost
improved following on-going cost optimization and FY17 guidance maintained. AIS reported 3Q17 EBITDA of Bt17,589mn, +15% YoY and +2.8% QoQ, mainly due to revenue growth and controlled SG&A. YTD, AIS spent
per share (บำท) 0.03 0.06 -0.03 2.8% สรุปข้อมูลฐำนะทำงกำรเงิน ส ำหรับงวดเก้ำเดือน ณ วันที่ 30 กันยำยน 2560 และ 30 กนัยำยน 2559 ดังนี้: Q1 to Q3 2560 Q1 to Q3 2559 YoY change YoY % change หน่วย: ล้ำนบำท
324.92 285.34 (39.57) (12.18%) 1,060.36 991.54 (68.82) (6.49%) Earnings per share (EPS) 0.20 0.17 (0.02) (12.18%) 0.64 0.60 (0.04) (6.49%) Note: 1) Revenue and Cost that were recognized when there is
quarter. Moreover, the company has planned and started preparation to improve machineries in order to ramp up the production during the on-peak period to gain more market share and reduce production cost to