supervision of investment management business; legal structure; and offering and sales of funds as well as the related disclosures that are material to the investors' decisions in trading units of funds. o
reputations, divided into two areas as follows: Staff Code of Ethics consists of guidelines for handling conflicts of interest, for example, prohibiting staff from trading stocks or accepting assets or
worth investors, provide an organized market, anddesignate at least one market maker. For the market maker or the high networth investors trading, the mutual fund management company may accept
values and ratios of investment in other mutual fund under the same mutual fund management company (if any); Performance data of the mutual fund; Brokerage fees in connection with the trading of investment
and regulatory amendments to enhance trading orderliness measures SEC public hearing on proposed principles for shelf filing ICOs in soft power industries to promote Thailand’s digital economy SEC
Green Investment Trust to support national sustainability goals and regulatory amendments to enhance trading orderliness measures SEC files a criminal complaint against Zipmex and its former director and
supervision of investment management business; legal structure; and offering and sales of funds as well as the related disclosures that are material to the investors' decisions in trading units of funds. o
worth investors, provide an organized market, anddesignate at least one market maker. For the market maker or the high networth investors trading, the mutual fund management company may accept
ได้รับ ผ่อนผันจาก สำนักงาน มีประวัติ ตามตาราง 3 2. งานเกี่ยวกับการควบคุม ดูแล และจัดการหน่วยธุรกิจเกี่ยวกับการรับ และกำกับหลักทรัพย์ (Listing and Ongoing Supervision) การปฏิบัติ การซือ้ขาย (Trading
กำรซ้ือขำยหลกัทรัพย ์(trading cost) สูงเกินกว่ำ ท่ีควรจะเป็น รวมทั้งอำจท ำใหเ้กิดควำมเส่ียงท่ีทรัพยสิ์นท่ีกองทุนรวมลงทุนไม่สอดคลอ้งกบั ปริมำณกำรรับซ้ือคืนหน่วยลงทุนจ ำนวนมำกในระยะเวลำอันสั้ น (liquidity