Indonesia. This trend is continuing into 2Q21, however we will see some softening in demand coming from a resurgence in COVID-19 cases in India and Indonesia. Mobility fibers core EBITDA grew 6% QoQ and 33
include trend data that can help investors to assess the company’s strategy and prospects. For example, do disclosures indicate significant trends that are not evident from the financial statements and, if
for products; to organize press conferences, exhibitions, trade shows, fashion shows, public relations events, meetings, trainings, seminars, parties, both onsite or at the arranged place; to provide
organization, design and grand opening event organization for products; to organize press conferences, exhibitions, trade shows, fashion shows, public relations events, meetings, trainings, seminars, parties
Company Limited 148/1 Soi Ramintha 14, Ramintra Road , Tharang, Sub - District Bangkok 10230 Tel: 02-943-6663-4 Fax: 02-943-6343 02-943-7740 Recently, retail business trend is decelerate due to the
148/1 Soi Ramintha 14, Ramintra Road , Tharang, Sub - District Bangkok 10230 Tel: 02-943-6663-4 Fax: 02-943-6343 02-943-7740 Recently, retail business trend is decelerate due to the continuously
less accommodative in their monetary policies. Looking forward, global interest rates are therefore likely to be on an upward trend. Amid the trade rift which may make the global economic recovery
, licenses or Contracts × IX. OPERATING AND FINANCIAL REVIEW AND PROSPECTS A. Operating Results ม.69 (7) ฐานะทางการเงิน การดําเนินงาน และขอมูลท่ี สําคัญของธุรกิจ B. Liquidity and Capital Resources × C. Trend
FINANCIAL REVIEW AND PROSPECTS A. Operating Results ผลการดําเนินงาน B. Liquidity and Capital Resources แหลงเงินทุนและสภาพคลอง C. Research & Development, Patents and License, etc. การวิจัยและพัฒนา D. Trend
price of crude and finished product to make its downward trend. With demand for fuel consumption declining across the globe, combined with the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries [ OPEC] and