personnel of the securities company. In this regard, there shall be at least measures for preventing an access to insider information of a securities issuer between the work units and personnel who have an
supervise its directors, executives and other personnel to perform in accordance with the rules under this Notification, and shall have a proper measure to obligate them to comply with such rules. In case
of such action. Clause 8 An intermediary shall supervise its directors, executives and other personnel to perform in accordance with the rules under this Notification, and shall have a proper measure
of such action. Clause 8 An intermediary shall supervise its directors, executives and other personnel to perform in accordance with the rules under this Notification, and shall have a proper measure
in writing and shall allocate sufficient personnel and resources for operating the work of branch office as well as arrange to have management and operational system to efficiently supervise and
, mainly from an increase in personnel expenses which are related to the increase in the Company’s revenue. 2.2 Fees and service expenses The Company’s fees and service expenses in 2Q2018 were Baht 103
Company’s employee benefits expenses in 3Q2018 were Baht 283 million, an increase of 12% from 3Q2017, mainly from an increase in personnel expenses which are related to the increase in the Company’s revenue
Characteristics of Personnel in Capital Market Industry 15/09/2010 01/10/2010 4. Notification of Capital Market Supervisory Board 57/2552 03/08/2009 01/09/2009 5. Notification of Capital Market Supervisory
Characteristics of Personnel in Capital Market Industry 15/09/2010 01/10/2010 4. Notification of Capital Market Supervisory Board 57/2552 03/08/2009 01/09/2009 5. Notification of Capital Market Supervisory
the land purchase and sale agreement in the amount of 5.34 million Baht. Personnel expenses For the 3-month periods ending 30 September 2018 and 2019, the Company’s personnel expenses were 10.35 million