rental income decreased. Also, the Company has discount the rental fee to the client who rent the area which has been impacted by the Lock Down. For operating results for 6 months of 2020, the Company has
million, increased by THB 14.31 million or +24.75% YoY due to the Company’s launch of a new project for a client in a mobile operator group. In addition, gross profit from information technology solutions
and positions of the member and the client, and where it appears that the price is highly volatile and the margin placed by the member is insufficient, the intraday margining and the daily mark-to
amongst younger cohorts and has expanded to older age groups. • To meet client needs, we must measure carbon metrics of our portfolio. Source: Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance Institutions are joining
瀀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀琀攀砀琀ⴀ愀氀椀最渀㨀氀攀昀琀㬀∀㸀⠀㈀⤀ 숀 การคัดเลือกผลิตภัณฑ์และการจัดกลุ่มลูกค้า (Product Selection and Client Segmentation) (3) ꃂĀ㈎⌎⨎㜎䠎ⴎ⨎㈎⌎䄎┎『Ď㈎⌎䌎⬎䤎Ў✎㈎ℎ⌎㤎䤎䄎Ď䠎ЎᤎȎ㈎∎⠀䌀漀
, Kathu District, Phuket Province (client) dated 16 July 2012 with period of 30 years and Ultra filtration and RO plant and other assets used in the business of WOG ITR are as follows: WIIK & HOEGLUND
and Exchange; “Stock Exchange” means the Stock Exchange of Thailand according to the Law on Securities and Exchange; “beneficial owner of derivatives traded by a client” means: (1) an owner or co-owner
กรณีที่บริษัทหลักทรัพย์ไม่สามารถดำเนินการรู้จักลูกค้าและตรวจสอบเพื่อทราบข้อเท็จจริงเกี่ยวกับลูกค้าได้ในสาระสำคัญ (3) การรู้จักลูกค้าและการตรวจสอบเพื่อทราบข้อเท็จจริงเกี่ยวกับลูกค้า (know your client
สำคัญ (3) การรู้จักลูกค้าและการตรวจสอบเพื่อทราบข้อเท็จจริงเกี่ยวกับลูกค้า (knowyour client/client due diligence หรือ KYC/CDD) (4) 
function, internal audit, or risk management, in accordance with the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board concerning Rules on Personnel in the Capital Market Business ; “ client ” means user