stimulated the share's movements, and arranging low-price matching for the trading activities within their own group. Such transactions misled other investors into believing that TAPAC shares were traded
the share's movements, and arranging low-price matching for the trading activities within their own group. Such transactions misled other investors into believing that TAPAC shares were traded in
stimulated the share's movements, and arranging low-price matching for the trading activities within their own group. Such transactions misled other investors into believing that TAPAC shares were traded
such share in such a manner that stimulated the share's movements, and arranging low-price matching for the trading activities within their own group. Such transactions misled other investors into
such loans were too low. The acts mentioned above did not comply with GSC’s investment policy causing GSC to experience high investment risks and lose the opportunity to gain higher and reasonable
subsidiary, in the cumulative value of 180 million baht (73% of the total GSC’s asset) without the approval of shareholders. The interest rates of such loans were too low. The acts mentioned above did not
subsidiary, in the cumulative value of 180 million baht (73% of the total GSC’s asset) without the approval of shareholders. The interest rates of such loans were too low. The acts mentioned above did not
subsidiary, in the cumulative value of 180 million baht (73% of the total GSC’s asset) without the approval of shareholders. The interest rates of such loans were too low. The acts mentioned above did not
subsidiary, in the cumulative value of 180 million baht (73% of the total GSC’s asset) without the approval of shareholders. The interest rates of such loans were too low. The acts mentioned above did not
subsidiary, in the cumulative value of 180 million baht (73% of the total GSC’s asset) without the approval of shareholders. The interest rates of such loans were too low. The acts mentioned above did not