-single digit. The company plan to launch 2-4 innovations in beverages portfolio, particularly focus on functional drink. Domestic energy drink focuses remain with our core brand, M150, and small brands
– 2,400mn with our recent acquisitions. Net profit margins will however, decline from double-digit to single-digits. Despite challenges in the overseas market, we are optimistic of long-term growth and we
journey on the BTS by enabling users to bind their existing rabbit card with Rabbit Line Pay e-wallet into a single source of fund. It represents a major milestone in the shared mission of both companies in
Purchaser and viewed that NML which is a subsidiary of Single Point Parts (Thailand) Public Company Limited, the company listed on the SET, is reliable and financially stable and has the ability to make
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/ หุ้นกู้ที่มีอนุพันธ์แฝง 2. สัญญำซื้อขำยล่วงหน้ำที่มีหลักทรัพย์ของ บจ. เป็นปัจจัยอ้ำงอิง และซื้อขำยในศูนย์ซื้อขำยสัญญำ ซื้อขำยล่วงหน้ำ : single stock futures หมำยเหต ุ: เพื่อให้มีข้อมูลในกำรติดตำมกำรใช้
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