appropriate and agreed by the borrower in order to mitigate the Company’s risk in relation to providing loan. Beside of 3 tenants who are connected persons, there are 2 tenants which the Company also provide
%B8%97%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%9E%... PowerPoint Presentation ความเสีย่งในการประกอบธรุกจิ โดยไมส่รา้งภาระเกนิจ าเป็น และไมก่อ่ใหเ้กดิความเสีย่งตอ่ตลาดทนุโดยรวมมากเกนิไป หลกัการ Total Asset Risk H/C
of the accounts. The requirements aim to better reflect actual financial status and debt repayment capability of every client thereby enhancing securities companies? risk management and thus preserve
the client mutual fund investment advice describing that the principal would not be affected. The said advice was given, even though the client made investment in a mixed fund having medium to high risk
company must upgrade its operating system and risk management systems to support the additionally approved securities classes. The consultation paper is available at
to alleviate the risk of frauds.Moreover, it is advisable to be cautious when being solicited to invest in ICOs or to buy any digital token for the time being since there are neither approved ICO
who is able to provide consultation to investors on capital market products not having complex characteristics as well as the product having high-risk or complex characteristics.
risk suitability test, and the event also provides customer services zones where tips regarding fraudulent solicitations and suspicious services and products are provided. Furthermore, a clinic
decision, for example, maturity date, type of fund, investment policy, risk factors and performance. For advertisement on group of mutual funds where it is not practical to provide all significant
directly relevant to its core business, for example, preparation of research report, risk management or mutual fund and private fund management which must be in compliance with specified conditions. For