approved. 2. That the connected transaction regarding the appointment of Ms. Suchada Sodthibhapkul, Authorized Director, as an Executive Director of the Company for the period from November 2018 to October
the debenture creditors, together with the valuation of machines by an appraiser who has been approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). The value of consideration has been
limited, or a public company limited incorporated under Thai law; (2) a foreign commercial bank whose branch the SEC Office has approved to operate commercial bank business in Thailand in accordance with
project of Akkrawat in the same manner may result in an inability to acquire the benefits to Company and for shareholders as when the investment was previously approved. In such case, it is viewed that the
approved. In such case, it is viewed that the Company shall terminate or sell the investment, and the Company shall, then, seek for investors who are interested in the project. At present, the current
31 March 2020. When combining with the transaction of disposal of asset during the period of 6 months prior to the date on which the Company’s Board of Directors has approved to transferring the
เก็บหน้ี ตามทีร่ะบไุวใ้นแบบ filing (ถา้ม)ี 15 3. ลักษณะพเิศษและความเสีย่งส าคัญของตราสาร • ใหร้ะบรุายละเอยีดเพิม่เตมิกรณีดังตอ่ไปนี้ - Credit enhancement : ใหร้ะบรุูปแบบหรอืวธิกีารท า credit enhancement
Exchange Commission No. Kor Thor. 21/2563 Re: Determination of Types of Operation of Person Approved to Participate in Regulatory Sandbox to Experiment and Develop Innovation in Support of Service Provision
Exchange Commission No. Kor Thor. 21/2563 Re: Determination of Types of Operation of Person Approved to Participate in Regulatory Sandbox to Experiment and Develop Innovation in Support of Service Provision
attending the meeting and having the right to vote as follows: Voting results Votes % of the total number of. Shareholders who attend the meeting and voting. Approved 555,568,839 100.00 Disapprove - 0.00