in gains on trading and foreign exchange transactions, gains on investments, and net fees and service income mainly attributed to a rise in fee income from bancassurance and mutual funds. The Bank’s
continued to expand from the previous quarter. The value of merchandise exports expanded in line with trading partners’ growth, global trade and the impacts of trade protectionism measures by the US and China
continued to expand from the previous quarter. The value of merchandise exports expanded in line with trading partners’ growth, global trade and the impacts of trade protectionism measures by the US and China
, the value of merchandise exports expanded at a slower rate as the result of the economic slowdown in major trading partners, and the effect of protectionist trade policies between the US and China. The
เนินงานอยา่งมีประสิทธิภาพยิง่ข้ึน ประการท่ีสอง ในแง่ของสมาชิกตลาดหลกัทรัพย ์สมาชิกเดิมท่ีเคยไดรั้บสิทธิประโยชน์จากการผกูขาด trading access และตอ้งสละสิทธิประโยชน์ดงักล่าวออกไป จะรู้สึกวา่ไดรั้บหุน้ตลาดมา
ขายหลกัทรัพย์ 1. การใช้ข้อมูลภายในเพือการซื1อขายหลกัทรัพย์ (insider trading) 1 แนวทางแกไ้ขเพิมเติม (ก) ปรับปรุงองคป์ระกอบความผิดเพือใหก้ระชบัและง่ายต่อการทาํความเขา้ใจ โดยยงัคงองคป์ระกอบในส่วนสาํคญัทีสะ
volume dropped significantly as a result of China’s lockdown. Moreover, the COVID-19 outbreak considerably affected the economies of trading partners and brought about supply chain disruptions. Domestic
are traded in the domestic or foreign organized market. 9 “investment in listed securities” means investment in trading securities or available-for-sale securities with the intention to hold less than
-office supporting function for instance, the structure of unit which deals with customer or submitting trading orders (front-office function) should be clearly separated from the unit which has duties in
-office supporting function for instance, the structure of unit which deals with customer or submitting trading orders (front- office function) should be clearly separated from the unit which has duties in