respectively as we continue to expand our customer base for recurring revenue. For HR Solutions, we experienced a drop in non-recurring revenue as a result of booking a one-time license fee of around 12.00mb in
addition, prepare marketing and sale plan to expand customer base of flexible packaging and plastic woven bag. All the time, Development as mentioned above, The company has improved its performance. It is
plan to expand customer base of flexible packaging and plastic sack, including improve the after sale service to meet customers requirement. All the time. The company has improved its operation. It is
53.93% in 1Q’18. The consolidated profit before non-controlling interest of 9M’18 decreased by 5% yoy despite higher income and gross margin ratio. This was due to the impact from 2017 high base incurring
. This was an objective of the business to expand revenues base in future. Moreover, the Company has more short-term investment and goodwill. Management Discussion and Analysis, Q3/2018 Page5/5 JMT
สวนบุคคล และรวมเปนประกาศคณะกรรมการกํากับตลาดทุนฉบับใหม 2. ปรับปรุงวิธีการเขียนประกาศเปน Principle base กลาวคือ โครงสรางของรางประกาศ จะประกอบดวย หลักในการดําเนินธุรกิจ ระบบงานเพือ่รองรับการดํา
% increased. This increase is the result from compensation and early retirement of employee during the woven bag production base relocation. The management benefit for Quarter3 of the year 2019 was 3.79 million
equipment business, expanding the existing customer base and new customers and increase new products such as Early Warning Score Program (EWS): Program to warn and aware to protect Septicemia, Linkage system
increase of sales volume of cleanser and medical supplies due to the Company becomes greatly known and the greater customer base expansion resulting in the net profit in accordance with the ratio of stocks
helped to enhance product value as well as to enlarge its customer base. The gross profit margin of real estate business was 31.1% when applying the previous accounting standard and lowered than the gross